Publications from the department
Scientific publications
Further publications can be found on the respective research portal of the employees of the Department of Adult and Continuing Education.
Current publications:
Welles, Petra:
Heavy metal as a (women's) profession and educational process
pp. 123-130
In: Magazin The specialist medium for research, practice and discourse. Issue 51, 2024, available online for reading.

Holzer, Daniela:
The political nature of adult education - critical objections and interveningcommitment.
pp. 350-358
In: Chehata, Yasmine/Eis, Andreas/Lösch, Bettina/Schäfer, Stefan/Schmitt, Sophie/Thimmel, Andreas/Trumann, Jana/Wohnig, Alexander (eds.): Handbuch kritische politische Bildung
Frankfurt a. M.: Wochenschau Verlag (2024)
Gruber, Elke/Lenz, Werner (eds.):
Portrait of Adult and Continuing Education Austria
4th completely revised edition
Bielefeld: wbv Verlag (2023)
Assinger, Philipp:
Quality as a topic in the discourse on the validation of non-formal and informallearning outcomes
pp. 343-358
In: Schmid, Martin (ed.): Handbuch Validierung non-formal und informell erworbener Kompetenzen. Disciplinary, theoretical and conceptual approaches
Bielefeld: wbv Verlag (2023)
Gruber, Elke/Brünner, Anita:
Book chapter: Quality assurance and development in adult and continuing educationcontinuing education
pp. 147-155
In: Kolland/Brünner/Müllegger/Gallistl (eds.): Bildung in der nachberuflichen Lebensphase
Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag (2022)
Assinger, Philipp (ed.):
In-company training in the timber industry. Digitization and competence validation
Bielefeld: wbv Verlag (2022)
Gruber, Elke/Schlögl, Peter/Assinger, Philipp/Gugitscher, Karin/Lachmayr, Norbert/Schmidtke, Birgit (eds.):
Competence recognition and validation practice in adult and continuingcontinuing education. Theoretical references and empirical findings.
Bielefeld: wbv Verlag (2021)