Dissertations from the department
Completed dissertations since the winter semester 2016/17
Klement, Carina (2024): The Grätzl as a learning space. An empirical study on the learning potential of adults using the example of the Grätzl Floß-Lend in the city of Graz.
2nd review:
Lercher, Monika M. (2023): Continuing education (choice) in companies. An empirical study on the criteria for the selection and effectiveness of vocational training programs.
Wagner, Michael Magnus (2023): Pflegeberufliche Weiterbildung im Wandel: Antizipation und Kompensation dynamischer Veränderungen - eine organizationspädagogische Analyse.

2nd review:
Wagner, Daniela (2021): Structural conditions and initiatives to promote teaching quality at state universities in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
Krienzer, Daniela (2021): Continuing education - the solution for everything?! Strengthening the competence of elementary education professionals through the tailor-made design of further education and training courses - an empirical survey in Styria.
Filzmoser, Gabriele (2020): The role of educational institutions in the context of digital education. Empirical analysis and development potential for education management.
Schober, Andreas (2020): Competence-oriented requirement profiles in the Austrian rescue service.
Scheiner-Posch, Simone (2020): The kindergarten from a gender perspective.
Gugitscher, Karin (2019): "Mehr als Bestätigen" - Anerkennungstheoretische Perspektiven auf professionelle Praktiken der Validierung non-formal und informell erworbener Kompetenzen in der Erwachsenenbildung/Weiterbildung.
Assinger, Philipp (2018): Education and Training Politics in Europe. A Historical Analysis with Special Emphasis.