News from the department
Workshop "Living well in old age"
As part of the project "Let's care: Living well together in old age", the Department of Migration - Diversity - Education, together with the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Ageing and Care CIRAC and the Migrants' Advisory Council Graz, is organizing a workshop for migrants in Graz on 21.6.2022 on the topic of "Living well in old age". Based on short impulses, an exchange of experiences will take place and needs will be identified. The workshop forms the basis for further opportunities within the project. to contribute ideas for a good life in old age.
First Future Forum: On the way to an age-appropriate and caring city of Graz: Where do we stand? What development needs do we see?
The 1st Future Forum of the project "Caring-Living-Labs Graz. Living well in old age" on 2.2.2023 opened up spaces for discussion and enabled city-wide networking on the topic of ageing in Graz.
In Graz, there are many actors, organizations, associations and communities whose activities strengthen the social participation and health opportunities of older people - including those with migration biographies or living in precarious circumstances - and promote a good life in old age. In addition, a wide range of initiatives and low-threshold services support social cohesion in the neighbourhoods/districts/neighbourhoods and revitalize local care networks and relationships.
As part of the project "Caring-Living-Labs Graz. Living well in old age" project, a networking and learning space was opened in the first Future Forum, in which ...
- the diverse experiences and models of good living and care practices for and with older people were made visible, and
- discussed the conditions that enable the social participation and empowerment of older people as co-creating citizens and promote local caring communities.
Two more future forums will be held by February 2024. The aim is to develop future perspectives for an age-appropriate and caring city of Graz and identify starting points for their implementation in the communities as well as in the urban structures.
Organizer: Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Ageing and Care (CIRAC) and Institute for Education and Educational Science at the University of Graz
Project website: CARING LIVING LABS GRAZ - Living well in old age (
Radio Helsinki - Nochtschicht II
Brigitte Kukovetz & Anna Kainradl on the Caring Living Labs Graz project
On 12.5.2023, from 22:00-22:30, Radio Helsinki reported on a Living Lab in a Graz housing estate, workshops on "Living well in old age" and other activities of the "Caring Living Labs Graz" project.
Here you can listen to the interview with Brigitte Kukovetz (member of the "Migration - Diversity - Education" department of the Institute of Education and Educational Sciences) and Anna-Christina Kainradl (CIRAC - Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Ageing and Care at the University of Graz).
Visiting professor at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver/Canada
Prof. Sprung was a visiting professor at the Department for Educational Studies at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver/Canada in June/July 2023. In addition to lecturing and teaching activities, exciting collaborations were established with researchers and educational institutions for migrants.

Podcast with Annette Sprung on interdisciplinary collaboration
Annette Sprung (Professor of Migration and Education, URBI Faculty) and Ulla Kriebernegg (Professor of Cultural Studies of Ageing and Care Research and Americanist, Faculty of Humanities) talk about their joint project"Caring-Living-Labs Graz. Designing urban care spaces fairly, in solidarity and diversity".

This summer semester there is a one-off opportunity to attend the course "VOR.BILDER. Biographical Research between Art, Flight and Science", which is offered by the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, as a free elective subject in the Bachelor's degree program in Education. The course is offered in cooperation with the Department of Migration, Diversity and Education.
"VOR.BILDER" is the working title of an art project that aims to find a new way of dealing with the old National Socialist frescoes in Unicorn Graz, the former ÖH building. As part of the course of the same name, the students will conduct biographical interviews in collaboration with the artists. The research will focus on people who studied or taught at the University of Graz, whose lives were subject to externally imposed disruptions and who established themselves in science, business, culture, etc. and/or expressed themselves in terms of social diversity in the course of their lives.
Panel discussion "Shaping Graz together" on March 16, 2022
On March 16, 2022, the panel discussion on "Shaping Graz together. Development and perspectives of municipal integration policy" took place.
After a research input by Petra Wlasak (study author) and a statement by Robert Krotzer (City Councillor for Health and Integration), the panel discussed
Günter Bruchmann (JUKUS Graz)
Irina Karamarković (Chairwoman of the Graz Migrant Advisory Board)
Irida Kulla (IKEMBA)
Masomah Regl (Office of City Councillor Robert Krotzer, Integration Officer)
Petra Wlasak (author of the study)