Current publications by members of the department
Sprung, Annette (2023): Lernen in und aus der Pandemie. Effekte der »Corona-Krise« auf die Bildungschancen von Migrant*innen in der Erwachsenenbildung. In: Ratzenböck, B. et al. (Hg.): Sozialer Zusammenhalt in der Krise. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Heterogenität und Kohäsion moderner Gesellschaften. Bielefeld. transcript, 113-136.
Sprung, Annette; Kukovetz, Brigitte; Wlasak, Petra (2023): Learning for Democratic Sustainability in Migration Societies? Aspects of Citizenship Education in Urban Contexts. In: Hummel, S. et al. (Hg.): Shaping Tomorrow Today – SDGs from multiple perspectives. Wiesbaden. Springer VS, 215-233.

Güney, Ülkü (2022): Emigrants against will: A narrative Autoethnography Exploring Experiences between Migration and Exile. London. Transnational Press London.
Wlasak, Petra; Sprung, Annette; Kukovetz, Brigitte* (2022): Art, Civic Education and Active Urban Citizenship. Intersectional explorations of an experimental place of learning. In: Möller, L. & Lange, D. (eds.): Intersectionality in Civic Education: Entangled Citizens. Citizenship. Studies in Civic Education. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 61-75.
Sprung, Annette; Kukovetz, Brigitte* (2022): Active Citizenship: Experiences and perspectives of civic participation of people with migration biographies in Graz. In: Bouvier, Friedrich et al. (eds.): Historical Yearbook of the City of Graz: Migrationsraum Graz (vol. 51). Graz: Leykam, 203-220.
Kukovetz, Brigitte; Sprung, Annette* (2022): Transformative Civic Learning within Volunteering in Refugee Relief. In: Chad Hoggan; Tetyana Hoggan-Kloubert (eds.): Adult Learning in a Migration Society. New York: Routledge, 148-159.
Wlasak, Petra (2021). Diversity in the city as an urban reality. In: City of Graz Department of Integration (ed.): Integration. Together. Shaping. 15 years of the Integration Department of the City of Graz. Graz: self-published, 20-39.
Wlasak, Petra (2021). History of the origins and development of the Integration Department. In: City of Graz Integration Department (ed.): Integration. Together. Shaping. 15 years of the Integration Department of the City of Graz. Graz: self-published, 72-101.
Kukovetz, Brigitte; Wlasak, Petra; Sprung, Annette* (2021). Active Urban Citizenship - from utopias of living together to sustainable urban development. Project report. Graz. Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Institute for Education and Educational Science.
Güney, Ülkü (2021). Syrian Refugees between Turkish Nationalism and Citizenship. In: Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies.
Kukovetz, Brigitte; Sprung, Annette (2021). The participation of women in trade union training programs. Barriers and facilitating factors. Research report. Graz: Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Institute for Education and Educational Science.
Kukovetz, Brigitte; Sprung, Annette; Sonnleitner, Ute (2021). The participation of women in union continuing education programs in Styria. In: Magazin, 43(2), 05/1-05/11.
Kukovetz, Brigitte; Sprung, Annette; Wlasak, Petra* (2021). Exploring Utopia for Active Urban Citizenship in the Age of Migration. A case study from Graz, Austria. In: University of British Columbia (ed.): Proceedings of the AEGT conference 2021. Vancouver: UBC, online.
Sprung, Annette (2021). Migration Studies Perspectives on Educational Disadvantage in Adult Education. In: The Austrian Adult Education Center. 273, 30-33.
Wlasak, Petra; Wonisch, Kerstin (2021). Religious motivation for voluntary refugee aid: two local case studies from Austria and Italy. In: Sievers, Wiebke; Bauböck, Rainer; Reinprecht, Christoph (eds.): Yearbook Migration Research 5. Flight and Asylum. International and Austrian Perspectives. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 75-93.
Sprung, Annette (2021). Internationalization of adult education research. A portrait of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA). In: Magazine, 42, 12/1 - 12/5.
Sprung, Annette (2021). Adult education in turbulent times. Fields of tension of a "just education" in the context of flight and migration. In: Egger, R. & Härtel, P. (eds.): Education for all? For an open and equitable, efficient and cooperative system of lifelong learning in Austria. Wiesbaden: Springer VS,153-173.
Sprung, Annette (2021). Transcategorial competence development. In: Domenig, Dagmar (ed.): Transkulturelle und transkategoriale Kompetenz. Textbook on dealing with diversity, difference and diversity for nursing, health and social professions. Göttingen: Hofgrefe, 700-711.
* The article was written with the equal participation of all authors, regardless of the order in which they were named.