Socio-educational work
In the fields of social pedagogy, people of different ages and life situations are encouraged, supported and accompanied. Social pedagogical professional action is implemented at the levels of the case, the group and the community. This includes the institutional design and the creation of the political and structural framework conditions. Important contexts are housing, education, work and culture. The forms of work are mobile (e.g. flexible help, assistance), outpatient (e.g. advice centers), semi-stationary (e.g. day structures), inpatient (e.g. shared accommodation), outreach (e.g. street work) or open (e.g. youth centers). These are associated with educational, supportive, preventative, educational and interventional tasks.
The global society is in a permanent process of change. Children, young people and adults are faced with a variety of coping and shaping tasks in the course of their lives. They act as individuals as well as members of families, communities and society. Social and cultural development in the direction of quality of life and participation represents a comprehensive challenge that university social pedagogy is involved in addressing scientifically. It focuses on the development of human rights and the realization of life chances.