Research and publications
Research profile
The staff of the Department of Social Pedagogy design socially relevant research, which is often cooperative and participatory. Social pedagogical services and social structures are analyzed and developed in regional, national and international projects. Research concepts used include surveys, evaluation, participatory research, scenic research, ethnography, social space analysis and social planning. A variety of empirical methods are used: Surveys, interviews, observation, document analysis, group discussions, workshops, etc. The research work is carried out in in-house and third-party funded projects as well as in master's theses, dissertations and post-doctoral theses. The Department of Social Pedagogy is involved in university research networks.
Research at the Department of Social Pedagogy focuses on the following three subject areas. They form the content profile:
- Social pedagogical work and help for childhood, youth, families, adults and generations
- Socioculture, diversity, participation and social problems
- Professionalization, voluntary commitment and shaping society
The diverse services relate to the following areas:
- Implementation of third-party funded research projects
- Preparation of publications
- Lectures and workshop activities
- Scientific consulting and advisory board activities
- Support and mediation of research projects in the form of master's theses, dissertations and habilitations
- Teaching activities
- Conception and realization of university courses
- Conception and organization of conferences
- Supervision of internships
The personal profiles of our employees are available on the research portal of the University of Graz
Benchmarking the socio-economic performance of the EU social economy as part of the project "Improving the socio-economic knowledge of the proximity and social economy ecosystem" (EISMEA/2022/OP/0015)
Funding: EISMEA
Duration: June to the end of September 2023 (sub-project Austria)
Project management: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Maria Anastasiadis (Department of Education) in cooperation with Dr. Dirk Raith and Dr. Andreas Exner (RCE Graz-Styria)
Project sponsors: EURICSE, CIRIEC Spatial Foresight GmbH, EMES International Research Network asbl
The study aims to 1) collect qualitative and quantitative data to enable evidence-based policy on the social economy in the context of the EU industrial strategy, 2) contribute to policy making on the social economy at national and EU level, based on information on the recovery of the proximity and social economy industrial ecosystem in the context of the COVID-19 crisis; and 3) support national statistical authorities and those at EU level to generate high-quality data and develop new indicators that measure the socio-economic impact of the social economy.
Title of the Project: Benchmarking the socio-economic performance of the EU social economy in the frame of the project "Improving the socio-economic knowledge of the proximity and social economy ecosystem" (EISMEA/2022/OP/0015).
Financing authority: EISMEA
Duration: June to September 2023 (sub-project Austria)
Project lead: Assoz. Prof. Mag. Dr. Maria Anastasiadis (Department of Educational Science) in cooperation with Dr. Dirk Raith, Dr. Andreas Exner (RCE Graz-Styria)
Project coordination: EURICSE, CIRIEC Spatial Foresight GmbH, EMES International Research Network asbl
This study aims at 1) Collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data to promote evidence-based policy on the Social Economy in the context of the EU industrial strategy; 2) Contributing to EU and national policy making in the field of Social Economy by providing information on the ecosystem's recovery in the context of the COVID-19 crisis; and 3) Providing support to national statistical offices at MS/EU level in producing quality data and develop new indicators to measure socio-economic impact of the Social Economy.
Reasons for out-of-home placements (2020)
Arno Heimgartner, Reicher Hannelore, Stuhlpfarrer Elena, Gspurning Waltraud
The aim of the research project is to systematically investigate the reasons for out-of-home placement in child and youth welfare services, focusing on the two Styrian districts of Graz-Umgebung and Liezen. The analysis is based on three professional levels. On the first level, the definitional and statistical approaches are clarified; on the second level, the family problems and resources of the families of origin of children and adolescents placed in out-of-home care are determined; and on a third level, district characteristics are analyzed as a background to life and problem situations. The project provides for six empirical modules. In the first module, district characteristics from existing studies are elaborated and the burdens and life situations of parents of kindergarten children are quantified by means of a survey. The second module deals with the definition and statistics of out-of-home care. In the third module, the problems and resources of the families of origin are coded using a grid from the case documentation. In the fourth module, qualitative methods are used to obtain the perspectives of different groups involved (including social workers, psychologists, employees of child and youth welfare facilities, foster carers, parents, children and adolescents). The fifth module deals with the return to the family of origin. In the sixth module, the results are validated as part of an online survey and two group discussions. Three organizational modules ensure the implementation of the research project: coordination, sounding board, kick-off meeting and presentation of results. The research project is realized in cooperation with the Social Work Department of the FH Joanneum.
EKo.-K.I.S.S Nutrition and consumption: children ∙ Influencers ∙ Social media ∙ School
Concepts of media didactics and teaching-learning methods for competence development in higher education teaching on the topic of "Transfer of informal nutrition and consumption content through social media influencers"
Duration: 01.01.2020 to 30.06. 2022 under the direction of Prof. Mag.a Dr. in Ines Waldner (PHSt) and Mag.a Dr. in Sabine Klinger MA (University of Graz)
The EKo.-K.I.S.S. project uses a multi-stage research design to create in-depth knowledge about the current data situation on influencers with regard to young people's realities of life in the educational context. As basic research, this should lead to a better understanding of the digital reality of young people's lives. In addition, gender-sensitive, intersectional pedagogical concepts and recommendations for schools in general and for sustainable nutrition and consumer education in particular will be derived from the results in order to expand and strengthen teachers' skills. Our aim is to derive gender-sensitive, intersectional pedagogical concepts and recommendations for action from the results of the research in order to strengthen teachers' skills with regard to social media. The project is being carried out by the University of Teacher Education Styria in cooperation with the University of Graz and the Styrian Nutrition and Technology Center STERZ. The project runs from 01.01.2020 to 30.06. 2022 under the direction of Prof. Mag.a Dr. in Ines Waldner (PHSt) and Mag.a Dr. in Sabine Klinger MA (University of Graz) and is funded by the Styrian Future Fund.
Homepage: https: //
Housing for ALL. A legislative theater and scenic research project on the topic of affordable, needs-based and humane housing
How can there be affordable, decent and needs-based housing for ALL in Graz in the future? How can access to the basic right to housing be created and facilitated? What can politics in Graz contribute to this?
More than 550 people and representatives of organizations have contributed their expertise to InterACT 's multi-stage participatory, scenic research and legislative theater process "Housing for ALL". The result is a forum theater play ("WARE HOUSING HUMAN RIGHTS") and a comprehensive project report. It is aimed at political decision-makers at city, state and federal level and contains numerous recommendations and proposed solutions for affordable, decent and needs-based housing in Graz and Styria, which received a particularly high level of approval during the legislative theater process. In the final project phase, the results of the project will be discussed with political decision-makers.
Project management: Michael Wrentschur
Cooperation project, project sponsor is InterACT, AB Sozialpädagogik is one of the numerous project partners.
Funded by the federal government, state and city of Graz.
Duration: 01.01.2019 - 30.12.2022
digi@socialwork: Social services in the age of digitalization. Actively shaping digital transformation processes
Duration: 01.06.2020 to 31.05.2022 under the direction of Mag.a Dr. Sabine Klinger MA and Mag.a Dr. Andrea Mayr (Institute of Education and Educational Science).
It is hard to imagine the workplace without digital technologies and social media. Digital media, tools and devices are also already widely used in social service organizations. These open up new possibilities in the support, guidance and care of clients and recipients. Internal communication and collaboration are changing significantly as a result of digital technologies. Key questions remain unanswered: Do employees of social service providers see digitalization as a curse or a blessing? How can employees actively shape the digital transformation in their company? For this reason, this participatory and practice-oriented research project uses quantitative and qualitative research results to analyse digitization processes in companies across Austria and, together with employees of social service providers, to develop ways of actively shaping them. The project Social Services in the Age of Digitalization - Actively Shaping Digital Transformation Processes! (digi@socialwork) is being carried out by the University of Graz and funded by the Styrian Chamber of Labor.
Homepage: https: //
"FemTalks Forum" Theater activities and digital storytelling. Foster social inclusion and change narratives
This Erasmus+ project, which will be implemented in Graz in cooperation with numerous organizations, aims to contribute to the self-determination, self-representation, empowerment, integration and participation of migrant women. Methods of participatory theater work, mentoring circles and digital storytelling will be used in pilot projects in five European countries. These creative and community-building methods are intended to help women with a transnational background to (better) overcome barriers, conflicts and challenges in connection with integration and participation and to develop new strategies for action. FemTalks Forum also aims to provide impetus for society, the media and politics in order to overcome existing prejudices, images and narratives about migrant women.
The two pilot projects in Graz were implemented and comprehensively evaluated by InterACT together with numerous project partners.
Duration: 01.10.2018 - 31.08.2021
Project management: Michael Wrentschur
Cooperation project, project sponsor is InterACT, AB Sozialpädagogik is one of the numerous project partners.
Funded by the EU as well as the federal government, state and city of Graz.
EMPOWER-SE - Empowering the next generation of social enterprise scholars
Project management: Maria Anastasiadis
Duration: 1.11.2017 - 30.11.2021
The Cost Action under the lead of the EMES research Network aims to advance knowledge and to develop evidence-based policy for fostering a sustainable Social Enterprise (SE) eco-system, across Europe and globally. It involves researchers and SE-Stakeholders from 38 nationalities to address the following main research questions:
- What are the SE conceptions and models in which SE practices and policies are embedded in each national/regional context?
- What are their innovative contributions in answering new social and ecological needs central for the development of more sustainable societies?
- What institutional development can support the scaling up and sustainability of these different SE models?
The Action is organized in a flexible four-year work plan around four working groups each of them with specific tasks and deliverables. Additional networking mechanisms include conferences, meetings, seminars and talks; training schools and short-term scientific missions.
Link: http: //
Effects of school social work 2015 - 2018
Auferbauer, Martin, Gspurning, Waltraud, Heimgartner, Arno, Lederer-Hutsteiner, Thomas, Mayr, Andrea in collaboration with Hammerl, Manfred and Taschek, Vera (2019)
This study, which was realized by the Department of Social Pedagogy at the University of Graz and x-sample, empirically addresses the question of the effects of school social work in Styria using a multiple methodology approach. Pupils (n1 = 847; n2 = 584), teachers (n1 = 135) and parents (n1 = 595) from a random sample of schools distributed across the educational regions (n1=14; n2= 11), interviews were conducted with regional and department heads (n = 5) and with school social workers (n =14) during ethnographic on-site visits, from which the framework conditions were also assessed, documentation of the individual case support provided by the institutions involved was analyzed using a summary sheet (n = 64), which made it possible to overcome the heterogeneous documentation and ensure data protection, feedback forms were completed by pupils and students (n = 797) and by school social workers on group activities (n = 47), descriptive indicators of incidents in the schools were obtained and evaluated with the support of the Directorate of Education in 2017 and 2018 (n = 67), on the basis of which an economic analysis was also carried out. The results show a detailed picture of the impact of school social work in Styria and link this to the principles and framework conditions. Repairing a city.
Project as part of Graz Year of Culture 2020.
Project management: Maria Anastasiadis
Duration: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2021
The future is normal. And the future is a phantasm. Thinking about the future is a human space-time constant. And thinking about the future is a creative act. Voices are getting louder and louder demanding the future as a 'fundamental right'. But is the future even at risk? Or is it simply painfully necessary to say goodbye to a certain idea of continuity? poses the utopian question of whether the future can be made strong again by citizens repairing their city. What is the "good city", the city we want to live in? Phantasm or reality? Which ideas of the city do we want to preserve and promote? Where is it lacking and lifeless? Which areas need to be rethought due to the pandemic? What needs to be opened up, developed or intervened in? What needs to be repaired? Along such questions, "" explores Graz. Music, architecture, sociology, biology, sound, migration, generations, waste and safety form the perspectives of this multi-perspective and participatory investigation. The results of the workshops and city walks will be compiled, discussed and documented in the final city repair conference.
h ttps://
Update of the Mapping of Social Enterprises and their ECO-Systems in Europe: Country Report Austria and Synthesis Report
Commissioned by: European Commission (DG for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion)
Overall management: Euricse and EMES
Project management: Maria Anastasiadis
Duration: 1.12.2017 - 1.3.2020
All over Europe, organizations defined as social enterprises have become an increasingly important entrepreneurial dynamic over the past few decades. However, the understanding of their current size, scope and development dynamics lags behind their proliferation and the rising interest they generate among policymakers, researchers and practitioners. Aware of this gap, the European Commission launched two mapping studies as follow-ups to its 2011 Communication on the Social Business Initiative (SBI). The latest update "Social enterprises and their ecosystems in Europe" has been carried out by Euricse and the EMES International Research Network in 2018-2020 in cooperation with national researchers. The deliverables of the present study are 28 updated country reports for EU Member States, 7 baseline country fiches for neighbouring countries participating in the EaSI Programme (Albania, Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia and Turkey), and a comparative synthesis report. The updated mapping study covers (i) the historical background and conditions of the emergence of social enterprises; (ii) the evolution of the concept and the existing national policy and legal framework for social enterprise; (iii) the scale and characteristics of social enterprise activity; (iv) networks and mutual support mechanisms; (v) research, education and skills development; and (vi) the resources available to social enterprises. The study also provides insights on the factors constraining the development of social enterprise, a reflection on the debate currently at play in national contexts, and an overview of possible developmental trends. A stakeholders' engagement strategy aimed at capturing insights and analysis stemming from various agents within the ecosystem was carried out as well as an in-depth review of academic and grey literature and national policy documents regarding social enterprise.
h ttps://
Graz 2040: Young People Acting Theater Lab - Future Lab - Practice Lab
What would it mean if the SDGs (= 17 sustainability goals of the UN) were realized in a comprehensive sense in the city of Graz in 2040?
Using creative, scenic, participatory and qualitative methods, young adults develop scenic designs for a city. At the center of the joint investigation are future scenarios for Graz in the sense of a radically socially, ecologically and economically sustainable city. In addition to the young adults, numerous project partners and experts from the fields of research, education, culture, social affairs, ecology, etc. are contributing their expertise to the project.
Project management: Michael Wrentschur
Cooperation project, project sponsor is InterACT, AB Sozialpädagogik is one of the numerous project partners.
Funded by the federal government, state and city of Graz.
Duration: 01.01.2020 - 30.11.2021
Polarities and (un)shared goals: Effects and potentials of digital media use from the perspective of Styrian employees and employers / digi@work
Duration: 01.06.2018 to 31.05.2020 under the direction of Dr. Romana Rauter and Mag.a Dr. Sabine Klinger MA (University of Graz)
Video about the project: This FH JOANNEUM video introduces the digi@work project and presents the most important results:
As part of this research project, surveys were carried out in Styrian companies and organizations based on a mix of non-profit and for-profit organizations. Among other things, it was determined which digital technologies are used, the reasons for their use and the benefits they bring to companies, which aspects hinder implementation, how the competence and acceptance of these technologies is assessed among employees and which operational changes can be observed through their use. The project was carried out from 01.06.2018 to 31.05.2020 under the direction of Dr. Romana Rauter and Mag.a Dr. in Sabine Klinger MA (University of Graz) and funded by the Province of Styria, Department of Science and Research. This is a research cooperation between the Karl-Franzens-University Graz (System Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research & Institute for Educational Science); the FH JOANNEUM Graz (Departments of Media & Design and Applied Computer Science), the Know-Center GmbH and the AK-Steiermark.
Homepage: https: //
Biographies and volunteering
Heimgartner, Arno; Findenig, Ines with the collaboration of Susanne Alter, Waltraud Gspurning, Joachim Vogt Isaksen, Piotr Salustowicz, Silvan Zingerle and Valentina Zingerle (2017)
The study on the biographies of people who volunteer is essentially qualitative in nature. Biographical interviews were obtained from 50 volunteers and analyzed. Interviews with 20 experts were supplemented with discursive content. The biographical content starts with the experienced approach to volunteering, explains the meaning that the interviewees see in their own commitment and comments on the perceived co-determination. Experiences are selected as short narratives as an approach to the performative nature of volunteering. The resources and skills required for volunteering are then discussed. Skills in particular should not be seen as static, but are shaped and developed through volunteering and the associated further training. For this reason, perceived learning successes are also listed separately, which themselves lend value to volunteering. Value can also be derived from direct experience with the recipients. It should be borne in mind that the classic actor/client scheme is not always valid. Joint activities in voluntary work sometimes strive for horizontal structures. The subjectively interpreted effects of volunteering are also discussed. These essentially relate to the reconstructed changes to the individual. The connections between volunteering and family, paid work and informal engagement are provided with constructive and critical perspectives. In-depth analyses refer to the difference categories of age and gender. Migration background is an important dimension of analysis. A further life context is opened up with paid unemployment. Here, too, the role of volunteering needs to be defined and its opportunities exploited. Structural preparations must be made for people with physical disabilities to enable them to volunteer. This should be a matter of course for a society. The question of resources for support arises in particular for people with cognitive impairments and therefore special needs who wish to volunteer. In all of these areas, the dual function of volunteering is evident: on the one hand, it is about services for people, and on the other, it is precisely about the services of all people in volunteering in the sense of inclusive participation in society. Looking ahead, the interviewees also made suggestions for reducing non-participation. Finally, in an outline of the organizational structures, aspects of volunteering are named individually and brief references are made to corporate volunteering and educational volunteering (school projects). Finally, space is given to the relationship with the state and the concerns addressed to the public sector in the interviews are communicated. The European portraits relate to Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, the UK, Poland and Norway. The specifics of the countries and perceived developments are intended to support further discussion and research in Austria.
"The Profiler": Media skills of young people
Funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research as part of Sparkling Science.
Duration: 2013-2016
Project coordination: Martin Kampel, TU Vienna
Project management University of Graz: Natalia Wächter
"The Profiler" positions itself in the field of tension between the rapidly growing flood of online images, the natural media use of the "digital natives" generation, the lack of awareness of opportunities, risks and responsibility in dealing with personal images on the Internet as well as the dark sides and consequences of current online trends. To this end, N=1000 pupils (aged 10-18) in Vienna were surveyed quantitatively on their digital media use and media skills and qualitatively using a participatory research approach. The research results were combined with innovations in computer science, and the "Profiler" tool was developed and made available to schools as a practical illustration of how digital images can currently be linked and analyzed with computer
Open youth work in Austria
Gspurning, Waltraud and Heimgartner, Arno together with Alter, Susanne, Bugram, Christina, Findenig, Ines, Josic, Matea, Klinger, Sabine, Reicher, Hannelore, Stigler, Valentin and Zingerle, Valentina (2016)
This multi-perspective study aims to use the descriptive, evaluative and planning potential of empirical research to promote open child and youth work. The current situation of open child and youth work is presented and analyzed. It includes analyses of the tasks of open youth work, the names, the concepts, the services and methods, the networking and the spaces. In addition, a characterization of the visitors is presented, their topics are addressed and the effects of open youth work are analyzed. In particular, it is determined how the training situation should be structured in the Austrian context in the future. In addition, the trends and developments in child and youth work in Europe are skimmed and linked to youth policy tasks. On this basis, a contribution will be made to the future design of open child and youth work.
"Arab Transitions": Political and Social Transformations in the Arab World
Funded by the European Commission under Framework Program 6
Duration: 2013-2016
Project coordination: Christian Haerpfer, University Aberdeen
Project management University of Graz: Natalia Wächter
"Arab Transitions" examines the social and political transformations and stabilities associated with the Arab Spring. To this end, the population in seven Middle Eastern countries (Egypt, Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia) was quantitatively surveyed on their social and political attitudes and values as well as their political behavior and media behavior (N=9800). The university is particularly concerned with the influence of social media on political participation in a generational comparison.
Selected publications by the employees
Berc, Gordana, Heimgartner, Arno, Lauermann, Karin, Reicher, Hannelore & Stuhlpfarrer, Elena (2023) (eds.): Critique and engagement in social work. Social transformation through participation and professional practice. Budrich Verlag
Florian Arlt, Arno Heimgartner (eds.) (2022):Time and open child and youth work. Series: Social Work - Social Issues
Heimgartner, Arno & Scheipl, Josef (2022): History and Development of SOCIAL WORK in Austria. Vienna: LIT. www.

Further publications
- Meschik, Markus, Fussi, Johannes, Stuhlpfarrer, Elena & Wächter, Natalia (2023) (Research report): Insert coin to continue. Use of current financing models of digital games by children and young people in Austria. Self-published.
- Michael Wrentschur (2021): Opening borders and connecting realities. Potentials of political-participative theater work for solidarity-based social work. In: Hill, Marc; Schmitt, Caroline (eds.) Solidarity in motion. New fields for social work. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag, 225-243. paedagogik. de/alle-anzeigen-soziale-arbeit/product/solidarit%C3%A4t-in-bewegung-2277/
- Waechter, N. (2021): Gendered social media cultures between individuality and collectivity. In V. Cuzzocrea, B. Gook, & B. Schiermer (Eds.): Forms of collectivity among contemporary youth: a global perspective (pp.185-206). Leiden: Brill.
- Waechter, N. (2021). Glocalized digital youth cultures. In G. Knapp & H. Krall (Eds.): Youth cultures in a globalized world. Developments, analyses and perspectives (pp.227-243). Berlin: Springer.
- Waechter, N. (2021): Social inequality in youth media use and media education - Implications for youth work. In B. Bütow, M. Holztrattner, & E. Raithelhuber (Eds.): Organization and Institution in Social Work. Challenges, processes and ambivalences (pp.149-168). Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich.
- Sabine Klinger, Andrea Mayr (2021): Making the digital transformation transparent. In: Social economy . 31,3. 2021. p. 10-12. doi:10.5771/1613-0707-2021-3-10 "An important aspect of the process of implementing digital technologies is the involvement and participation of professionals. It is essential to consider and critically question the requirements, target perspectives and framework conditions of the activities and working conditions within the organization. This can sometimes also mean making a conscious decision to remain analog in some areas." (p. 11) Available at:
- Michael Wrentschur (2021): On the connection of the aesthetic, subjective and political: Participatory processes with forum theater in social work. In: Austrian Yearbook for Social Work (ISSN 2628-4502), Issue 1, Year 2021, 181-202.
Open Access:
- Gspurning, Waltraud, Heimgartner, Arno, Hojnik, Sylvia, Pantuček, Gertraud, Reicher, Hannelore and Elena Stuhlpfarrer with the collaboration of Stefanie Cerncic, Viktoria Fröhlich, Claudia Senn and Nicole Walzl-Seidl (2020): Reasons for out-of-home placements in child and youth welfare in the districts of Graz-Umgebung and Liezen. Commissioned by the Province of Styria. Graz.
- Michael Wrentschur (2020): Experiences of difference to the familiar. Aesthetic education in social work. Sozialpädagogische Impulse, Issue 03/2020, 30-32.
- Sabine Klinger, Andrea Mayr (2020): Digital transformation processes in social work: Structural changes and new challenges in dealing with digitalization processes. In: Der pädagogische Blick, 28 Jg 2020, H 2. p. 82-92.
"The dissolution of boundaries is a phenomenon that also affects social work professionals, and not just since the current surge in mediatization. Nevertheless, the question of dissolution of boundaries has intensified due to the spatial and temporal flexibilization in the course of digital transformation processes." (p. 86) Available at:
- Michael Wrentschur (2020): Using forum theater for scenic and participatory research: Concept, procedures and examples from social work. In: Florian Eßer, Clarissa Schär, Stefan Schnurr & Wolfgang Schröer (eds.): "Partizipative Forschung in der Sozialen Arbeit - Zur Gewährleistung demokratischer Teilhabe an Forschungsprozessen". Special issue 16 of neue praxis, Zeitschrift für Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik und Sozialpolitik, 130-143.
- Michael Wrentschur (with the collaboration of Brigitte Schaberl, Martin Vieregg and Wolfgang Rappel) (2020): WARE WOHNEN MENSCHENRECHT. A legislative forum theater project by InterACT. Project report with solution ideas, proposals and recommendations for affordable, humane and needs-based housing in Graz and Styria. October 2020
- Michael Wrentschur (2020): Participatory theater work and more. On the planned and unplanned dislocation of power relations. In F. Müller & C. Munsch (eds.), Beyond Intention - Ethnographic Insights into Practices of Participation. Weinheim, Basel: Beltz Juventa, 134-146. www.
- Daniela Jauk, Sabine Klinger, Nicole Pruckermayer (2020): "Process not Product": Rethinking Feminist Teaching Across Disciplines with Autoethnographic Trialogues. In: C. Wieser and A. Pilch Ortega (eds.), Ethnography in Higher Education, Doing Higher Education, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. S. 73-92. doi. org/10.1007/978-3-658-30381-5_5 "In this paper, an interdisciplinary team of authors analyzes a series of autoethnographic trialogues addressing their approaches to teaching within and beyond gender studies environments. (...) We explore the question of whether and how it can make sense to use feminisms in teaching and scholarly work to offensively and subversively shape and inspire critical thinking and practice. (p. 73f)
Available at: https: //
- Clemens Wieser, Sabine Klinger (2020). Exploring Professionalization with the Documentary Method: Perspectives for the Analysis of Knowledge Transformation. In S. Amling, A. Geimer, S. Rundel, & S. Thomsen (Eds.), Yearbook Documentary Method. Issue 2-3/2020, Berlin: centrum für qualitative evaluations- und sozialforschung e.V. (ces). pp. 215-238. doi. org/10.21241/ssoar.70909 "The methodological perspectives presented for the analysis of knowledge transformation make clear what theoretical framework Polanyi's conception of tacit knowledge offers and how this conception can expand the methodological repertoire of the documentary method." (p. 234) Available at:
- Waechter, N. (2019). The construction of European Identity among Ethnic Minorities. 'Euro-Minorities' in generational perspective. London: Routledge.
- Waechter, N. (2019). The participative role of social media for the disadvantaged young generation in the Arab Spring. In Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 44, Special Issue 1/19 ed. by C. Musik & A. Bogner: Digitalization and Society, 217-236.
- Anastasiadis, Maria (2019): Social organizations as spaces for participation. Between activation, economization and design. Perspectives for social work. Weinheim/Basel. Beltz-Juventa. The study, which is situated on the threshold between research, social work and politics, presents a theoretically developed and empirically plausible model for researching participation phenomena in social organizations. In a participatory and dynamic research setting, it shows lines and limitations of participation in the field of sustainable labour market integrative enterprises (ECO-WISE) and develops options for shaping the future that are groundbreaking for eco-social regional economic developments." "Due to their intermediary position between the market, state and civil society, social organizations offer a wide range of opportunities for participation. In times of growing risks of exclusion and increasingly restrictive welfare state conditions, it is important to examine how professionals in social organizations in particular can take advantage of and further develop their opportunities for participation in regional policy planning processes in order to design innovative and needs-oriented services. Link to purchase option:
- Anastasiadis, Maria and Wrentschur, Michael (2019): Opening up research spaces and shaping the social. Intentions and realizations of participatory research in social work. In: Austrian Journal of Sociology. ÖZS-Sonderheft "Partizipative Forschung in der Sozialen Arbeit",(Suppl 3) 44. pp. 9-25. "Participatory research not only helps to shape social services, but also contributes to the transformation of social work, social policy and social spaces through its methodological approaches." (p. 13) Direct access:
- Heimgartner, Arno (2019): Biographies and Volunteering: the Distribution of Social Time in the Society. In: Auferbauer, Martin/ Berc, Gordana/ Heimgartner, A./ Rihter, L./ Sundby, R. (Eds.), Social Development - Ways of Understanding Society and Practising Social Work. Lit-Verlag: Vienna (Soziale Arbeit/Social Issues, 22), pp. 103-106.
- Heimgartner, Arno (2019): Das freiwillige Engagement im Lebenslauf, in: Hörting, Anton/ Spreitzer, Hannes (Ministry of Social Affairs) (eds.), 3rd Report on Volunteering in Austria. Freiwilligenbericht 2019. Vienna: Federal Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection, 109-136.
- Auferbauer, Martin, Gspurning, Waltraud, Heimgartner, Arno, Lederer-Hutsteiner, Thomas, Mayr, Andrea in collaboration with Hammerl, Manfred and Taschek, Vera (2019): Evaluation of school social work in Styria 2015 - 2018. Commissioned by the Province of Styria - Education and Society. Graz.
- Michael Wrentschur (2019): Forum theater, scenic research and social work: discourses - procedures - case studies. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Juventa.
- Ines Findenig, Sabine Klinger (2019): Ambivalent living environments. Unaccompanied minors with refugee experience in Austrian residential child and youth services. In: Journal for Migration and Social Work. 4/2019. pp. 368-374
"The living environments of the children and adolescents are thus divided into a life in the host country and a life that continues to be shaped by their families in their country of origin, and both diverge greatly in terms of expectations and realities. (...) However, this repeatedly poses challenges for professionals, as the implementation of proactive media education concepts and projects such as "digital parenting" (Kreß/Kutscher 2019) in child and youth welfare is only progressing slowly (Kutscher/Kreß 2015: 3; Klinger/Findenig 2019: 49), even though there is a growing call for transnational family work (Findenig/Klinger/Buchner 2018b: 45)." (p. 368)
Available at:
- Elias Schaden (2019): Volunteering in social space-oriented child and youth welfare services
- Bütow, Birgit / Loch Ulrike / Raithelhuber Eberhard / Reicher Hannelore / Sting Stephan (Eds.) (2019): Consequences of child and youth welfare. Österreiches Jahrbuch für Soziale Arbeit, 1.
The first volume of the Austrian Yearbook of Social Work has just been published and is freely accessible online. Link to the homepage of the journal:
Open Access:
- Congratulations to our graduates: Dr. Carmen Hofer-Temmel and Dr. Christina Rothdeutsch-Granzer were awarded a prize at the OGSA conference (Austrian Society for Social Work) on 18.3.2019 in Salzburg for their publication "Selbst sicher sein. A grounded theory study on visiting contacts in foster care based on the perspective of children and their families" (Juventa Beltz, 2019). The prize was awarded by the Association for the Promotion of Scientific Publications on Social Work.
Heimgartner, Arno (2017): Problems of young people. In: Koje - Coordination Office for Open Youth Work and Development (ed.): 156 strong impulses. Ten years of youth social work in the field of open youth work in Vorarlberg. Bregenz: koje. PP.17-28.
Anastasiadis, Maria (2017): Work Integration Social Enterprises in Austria - Characteristics, Evolution and Perspectives. In: Nonprofit Policy Forum. 7,4. 2017. 541-565. "In summary, since the middle of the 1990s the conservative welfare state model has gradually changed into a more liberal one which clearly goes hand in hand with a marketization and a higher level of responsibility for the organizations to solve growing societal problems through generating innovative services and finding alternative ways to finance them." (p.548) Direct access:
Anastasiadis, Maria (2016): ECO-WISE: Labor market integrative enterprises with ecological accentuation. Performance and perspectives of regional sustainability actors. In: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter. Special Issue Labor Market Styria, June 2016. (pp. 47-62).