Current publications by our employees
Bisovsky, Gerhard & Egger, Rudolf (2023) (Eds.): The adult education center in the 21st century. Finding ways to learn together. Springer VS
- Hummel, Sandra & Donner, Mana-Teresa (Eds.) (2023): Student Assessment in Digital and Hybrid Learning Environments. Springer VS

Further publications
- Aldrian, Sarah, Fließer, Karin & Egger, Rudolf (eds.) (2022): Continuing Education in Regions with Population Decline. Establishment of a Supportive Learning Network through the Adult Education Centre. VS-Springer Verlag
- Egger, Rudolf, Stephan Witzel (eds.) (2022): Hybrid, flexible and networked... Possibilities, conditions and limits of digital learning environments in academic continuing education. Wiesbaden: VS Springer Verlag
- R. Egger, P. Härtel (eds.) (2021): Education for all? For an open and equitable, efficient and cooperative system of lifelong learning in Austria, Volume 36
- Egger, B. Eugster (eds.) (2020): Lob der Vorlesung - Vorschläge zur Verständigung über Form, Funktion und Ziele universitärer Lehre Springer
- Review: Counter-movement to activist and postulatory approaches | (
- Sandra Hummel (2020): Fundamentals of university teaching. Teaching in Higher Education.
- Angela Pilch-Ortega, Clemens Wieser (eds.) (2020): Ethnography in Higher Education
- Rudolf Egger, Sandra Hummel (2020): Stumbling block or competence level? The introductory phase of studies and its significance for the academic socialization of students
- Sarah Aldrian, Karin Flließer, Rudolf Egger (2020): Continuing education in regions with declining populations. Development of a supportive learning network by the adult education center
- Angela Pilch-Ortega (2018): Learning processes of social movement(s). Biographical learning dispositions in confrontation with experiences of social inequality