Principles of our research
The Institute of Educational Science covers a broad spectrum of research. This is set out in the principles of the research strategy.

Fields of research and thematic focus
The theoretical and empirical research of the Institute of Educational Science sheds light on the interrelationship between individuals, society and educational systems across the lifespan at an international, national and regional level. The fields of research include basic research, historical-systematic issues and application-oriented research. Findings are developed in the areas of general pedagogy, adult and continuing education, social pedagogy, empirical learning environment research and university didactics as well as in migration and diversity-related pedagogy.
The main areas of focus include:
- Basic concepts and fundamental questions of educational science
- Critical educational theory
- Historical pedagogy
- Digitalization
- Migration, social inequality and intersectionality, political education
- Gender studies
- Politics, Organization and Governance of Adult Education
- Work, Occupation, Education and Social Participation
- Learning Environment Research and Higher Education/Science Didactics
- Social Pedagogical Work and Assistance
- Socioculture and Participation
- Professionalization and Volunteering
Ethics and quality of research
Educational research focuses on social conditions and developments and is therefore closely linked to people, their living environments and actions. We are committed to high scientific quality standards and ethical principles that regard people, initiatives and institutions as research partners and not as objects of research. Especially in research with vulnerable groups in society, this leads to cooperative and (power-)reflexive processes that are strongly characterized by appreciation, self-representation and dialogue. Research should generate knowledge as a value for as many participants as possible in order to contribute to self-empowerment and a critical-emancipatory change in society towards democracy, equality and social justice. In research networks and in direct collaboration with the Wissenschaftskolleg, special attention is paid to making the achievements of all participants adequately visible. Mutual recognition, appreciative communication and sensitivity to power relations in research and organizational structures must be cultivated.
In order to carry out its research, the Institute of Educational Science cooperates with a wide range of partners on an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary basis. Collaboration takes place both within and between universities as well as with external research institutions. Within the university, the potential in the work areas, in the institute, in the faculty and in the overarching focus areas and networks (e.g. "Heterogeneity and Cohesion") is utilized. Practical institutions (e.g. NPOs, social services, educational organizations) and companies are actively approached in order to generate empirical research content and to involve professionals and target groups in research (e.g. citizen science). In addition, the exchange with public institutions offers the opportunity to conduct research relevant to social and educational policy and to provide social impetus. Research is conducted on a regional and international basis. The European Research Area is of particular importance for research at the Institute of Educational Science.
The Institute of Educational Science is actively involved in international discourses on methodologies and epistemological issues in order to develop quantitative and qualitative methods in empirical educational science as well as theory and conceptualization. The use of the respective methods in current research work is wide-ranging, and the complex social and educational challenges increasingly demand the interweaving of methods in the sense of mixed-method applications. The basic ethical principles underlying empirical research are constantly being reflected upon and adapted. In educational research, these include above all the areas of data protection, protection of personal rights, minority rights and children's rights. The research follows the basic principle of appropriateness with regard to the scope and content of empirical data collection.
The digital transformation and the use of artificial intelligence represent a major challenge for society, education and research. We are meeting this challenge proactively (e.g. by using digital tools in the implementation, evaluation and dissemination of research). Sustainable data use is an important concern for us. Thematically, we take a critical look at the effects of digitalization on society and education and contribute to the promotion of critical media literacy in teaching and society.
Career advancement/early stage researcher
Universities are places where people with different research biographies come together. For us, it is an important task to encourage students' interest in a possible future research career and to actively support academics in their career development - even in the face of the current difficult conditions. Academics should be able to develop an independent research profile and further develop their academic expertise.
The Institute of Educational Science pursues a variety of dissemination strategies: With regard to "Science to Science", all scientifically relevant forms of dissemination are used in a national and international context. In particular, the writing of monographs and articles in specialist journals or anthologies and the publication of edited volumes and journals. Open access formats are of great importance here. Scientific findings are also presented to the scientific community through lectures and workshops at conferences. Researchers are also involved in the conception and organization of conferences. The employees are involved in numerous networks and committees. Among other things, they are editorial board members of relevant journals and book series, and they are active as reviewers for journals, research funds and theses. Another important aspect of dissemination is consultancy and advisory board activities in the sense of "science to policy". Research as a contribution to societal and social development requires not only cooperative and participatory research strategies, but also various forms of communication and dissemination, which are consistently pursued in the sense of "Science to Professionals" and "Science to Public" strategies. Especially for the conception and dissemination of research in a communal and regional context, the presentation of results is not limited to the communication of reports, but creative, interactive and performative forms of presentation are also used (such as workshops, discussions, exhibitions and performances).