Master's theses from the department
Master's theses completed since winter semester 2016/17
Buchmann, Daniela (2024): Motivational factors in nursing education: A qualitative study on the educational interests and experiences of nursing educators on their way to professional training.
Mavanai, Sali (2024): "A Perfect Match - Competencies and Requirements in Social Work". Development of a competence portfolio for a new application process at the Office for Youth and Family in Graz.

Other completed Master's theses
Gsodam, Verena (2023): In-company further training and the visibility of skills of low-skilled workers as a measure against the shortage of skilled workers.
Ruß-Baumann, Chiara (2023): Professional reorientation using the example of the healthcare sector: a quantitative and qualitative analysis of reasons, motives and the path of professional reorientation.
Schmidt, Elisabeth (2023): Gainful employment and reproductive work in households in Burgenland. A mixed methods study.
Schmieder, Christina (2023): Knowledge transfer of a modern basic understanding.
of social work. An empirical survey using the example of the training program of social space and resource orientation of the child and youth welfare service Graz.
Spreitzer, Sarah (2023): The evaluation of elements of knowledge transfer in the course of the onboarding process using the example of a consulting company.
Fixl, Lisa (2023): Virtual reality in adult and continuing vocational education, using the example of training as a commercial masseur at the Economic Development Institute of the Styrian Chamber of Commerce.
Faustmann, Anja (2023): Measuring time - orientation or compulsion? A study on the development of the clock and its influence on the use of time in society.
Marusic, Josipa (2023): Generation management in companies.
Szammer, Thomas (2023): Qualities of digital education. Quality assurance and criteria of digital learning spaces.
Demaj, Vlora (2023): Promoting the empowerment of recipients in vocational rehabilitation through professional educational and career counseling. Using the example of BBRZ Hartberg.
Meindl, Michaela (2023): What specific potential do (print) media with a focus on cultural work and adult education have in the future? Program analysis and perspectives of the magazine "steirische berichte".
Brandner, Kathrin (2022): A competence model for foster parent trainers in Austria.
Kaltenegger, Corinna (2022): Austrian basic education within the framework of the "Adult Education Initiative" in the field of tension between curricular framework conditions and unconditional learner orientation.
Spiller, Veronika (2022): Learning and educational spaces of regional community self-help groups.
Bruckmüller, Natalie (2022): Subjectivization and simple work from the perspective of employees.
Welles, Petra (2022): Women Playing Metal! Profession & vocation? The protagonists of the music genre heavy metal.
Pelzmann, Sarah (2022): Working as an adult educator between one's own values and the necessity of economic action.
Köck, Petra (2022): Space as a social construct. On the importance of social space in higher education.
Knauhs, Marlene (2022): Practicing criticism - designing utopias - shaping reality: Looking at the professional training of kindergarten teachers. A future workshop with students of the BAfEP Judenburg.
Karrer, Armin Franz (2022): The glamor of recognition. An attempt to portray the manipulative power of medals and decorations using the example of the Nazi regime.
Derndorfer-Flecker, Christian/Popovic, Dragana (2022): Employability Management - "Soft skills and their significance for in-company vocational training".
Michlits, Christina/Hirschmann, Bettina (2022): Health education in the post-professional phase of life. The claim and reality of health education in peripheral areas using the example of the Styrian municipality of Pirching am Traubenberg.
Herk, Nadine Viktoria (2022): Workplace learning in apprenticeship development. An analysis of the "Buddy Program" of the creative apprenticeship development "Film off ...!"
Hatzl-Riedrich, Martina (2021): Family image(s) of parent educators. On the contribution of parent educators to emancipation.
Kaier, Laura (2021): Personal development as a professional field for adult educators: an explorative study.
Magg, Julian (2021): Digital/analog. Ways to avoid a digital divide in society.
Pichler, Antonia (2021): Between meaning and influence. Implicit and Incidental Learning in Social Media.
Breckner, Melanie (2020): Relationship work in open youth work. Professional perspectives of a selected institution.
Fischer, Mona Camilla (2020): Between femme fatale and Prüdeliese. Historical notions of female sexuality and their (dis)continuities in popular online magazines.
Glößl, Claudia (2020): A contribution to the professionalization of the driving school system in Austria. A competence model for driving (school) instructors.
Niedermayr, Melanie (2020): Potentials of serious games for adult learning. An investigation of the LEGO Serious Play method.
Pint, Melanie (2020): People in the post-professional education phase as museum visitors using the example of the Universalmuseum Joanneum.
Reiter, Christine (2020): Learning and competence gains in employment projects using the example of Caritas Styria.
Strommer, Marie-Sophie (2020): Educational and career counseling for adults in the district of Voitsberg. An analysis of educational and career counseling services for adults in a western Styrian district.
Schuler, Nicole (2020): Company training to promote diversity. Example of a workplace-integrated sensitization concept for the integration of deaf employees.
Zararsiz, Irem (2020): Quality of tertiary continuing education in Austria and the possible applications of the Ö-Cert quality framework.
Zernig, Nadine (2020): Adult learning in virtual realities. A scientific approach to the potentials, challenges and limits of VR in the adult and continuing education sector.
Berneck, Nadine (2019): Ensuring the quality of speakers in adult education institutions - a comparison of theory and practice using the example of the alpha nova academy.
Edler, Sandra (2019): Smart City educational campus in Graz. A research study on initial considerations, vision and implementation of an innovative educational concept taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals.
Felsner, Angelika (2019): Educational cooperation in the field of tension between power and participation. A theory-based analysis of postcolonial power and hierarchy structures in educational projects of development cooperation.
Felsner, Stefan (2019): Educational cooperation in the field of tension between power and participation. A theory-based analysis of postcolonial power and hierarchy structures in development cooperation education projects.
Fleißner, Carina (2019): Learning organizations 4.0 - the use of digital learning forms and tools in companies.
Haas, Rebecca (2019): Social participation of convention refugees. Analysis of selected areas of life using the example of an organized volunteer project.
Hartner, Alice (2019): Student analysis on extending the duration of studies in university continuing education using the example of UNI for LIFE Weiterbildungs GmbH.
Hausleitner, Susanne (2019): Attractiveness and future of apprenticeship training in Austria. Subjective views of (young) skilled workers.
Helmhart, Marina (2019): Further training opportunities for teachers in the context of flight and migration.
Jöbstl, Stefanie (2019): Programme development between utopia and reality. Participatory development trends in a general adult education organization.
Kabashi, Besjana (2019): Educational and vocational orientation in the context of migration - An assessment of the acceptance of educational and vocational orientation offers in the Styrian central region.
Kaltenbacher, Janine (2019): The use of peer multipliers to promote health literacy for people with a migration background.
Karner, Jacqueline (2019): Social skills as a selection criterion in the recruiting process in the trainer segment.
Karajic, Vanesa (2019): Digital adult and continuing education. An empirical study on the transformation of educational spaces and teaching/learning habits.
Kleinferchner, Eva (2019): Building innovation knowledge in companies with design thinking trainings illustrated by a practical example.
Kniepeiss, Lucia (2019): In-house further education and training for elementary school teachers. A study on in-house support with the development of a guideline taking into account quality criteria.
Kovacs, Anett (2019): Practical life-oriented basic education in the context of learning difficulties. A practical concept for adolescents and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24.
Krenn, Birgit (2019): Political adult education in the context of current social challenges. Potentials of enabling maturity, political participation and the ability to act.
Kulmer, Evelyn (2019): Support for supporters. Requirements for non-formal education programs for volunteers in refugee work.
Leitner, Nadine (2019): The change in job requirements - professional reorientation as a solution?
Metz, Christina (2019): Workplace health promotion to promote mental health from the perspective of adult education.
Molterer, Sabine (2019): What does modern in-service training look like? Evaluation and further development of basic training at the Province of Styria.
Müllner, Simone (2019): On the dialectical relationship between education and reason.
Paar, Sarah (2019): Acquiring skills through informal learning in the world of work using the example of the "WIFI-Meisterschule Konditor" of the Economic Development Institute of the Styrian Chamber of Commerce.
Ponsold, Una (2019): Serious games in continuing vocational training using the example of the BFI course "Introduction to industry standards".
Riedler, Denise (2019): Between adaptation and emancipation - potentials of critical-emancipatory basic education work in relation to the deconstruction of structures of domination and power in a migration society.
Rijksen, Sabine (2019): University didactics in transition. E-learning in the introductory phase of mass courses.
Robitschko, Natascha (2019): Life practice-oriented basic education in the context of learning difficulties. A practical concept for adolescents and young adults between 15 and 24 years of age.
Satzinger, Johanna Maria (2019): Design thinking in organizational culture change - A method of (adult educational) organizational development?
Schönberger, Markus (2019): The integration of new employees: Social, organizational and individual conditions of workplace-related learning.
Schratter, Daniela (2019): "From practice for practice". An evaluation of the "Digital Thursday" blog series of the ReferentInnen Akademie.
Schrotter, Carmen (2019): Youth identity in the heterogeneous classroom. Didactic and methodological support measures for teaching staff in identity and integration processes of young people with and without a migration background.
Stiene, Veronika (2019): Diversity as an opportunity and challenge in Styrian schools, taking into account the structural and institutional framework conditions.
Wagner, Karin (2019): Promoting compliance culture through e-learning? Possibilities and limits of the use of e-learning in in-company training using the example of the KAGes Code.
Zeljak, Ida (2019): Students from non-academic families: Caught between two worlds? On the situation of students at universities.
Brantweiner, Melanie (2018): Work foundation as a qualification measure. A discourse-analytical consideration of placement foundations under the aspect of skills acquisition.
Dissauer, Victoria Lisa (2018): Educational marketing using the example of an adult education institution in Carinthia.
Ehmann, Lena (2018): Adult education - a puppet show? The influence of social and economic conditions on the self-description of adult educators.
Friedl, Jennifer (2018): The freedom put to use. On the economic appropriation of the critical-emancipatory idea of education.
Fröis, Martina (2018): Better together? Kindergarten and school assistance as an opportunity for the future?
Halsegger-Hofer, Monika (2018): Parent education as a supportive measure for the implementation of health projects in elementary school.
Handler, Ilka Mariele (2018): The contribution of zam Graz (Lendplatz regional office) to gender equality in the labor market, taking into account the diversity approach.
Hofmeister, Katharina (2018): Erwachsenen-/Weiterbildung im Wandel. labor market policy influences using the example of bfi Steiermark.
Hudax, Tina (2018): Gender certified! - Gender sensitized? On gender-sensitive didactics in AMS-supported adult education.
Klostermann, Daniel (2018): Disregard, resistance, learning: learning processes in the transition from disregard to resistance following Axel Honneth's recognition theory.
Konrad-Legenstein, Katharina (2018): Education through volunteering in old age? Volunteering between social obligation and personal development.
Leitner, Petra (2018): "OBEN OHNE!" An explorative analysis of the underrepresentation of women in management positions.
Portenkirchner, Daniela (2018): Giving learning SPACE. Enabling self-directed learning at universities through room design using the example of the Institute of Education and Educational Science at the Karl-Franzenz-University Graz.
Reidinger, Sabrina (2018): Personal Branding in Web 2.0. Presentation of the own competencies of female students/graduates of the Master's program in Adult and Continuing Education. A study with mixed method approach.
Sadiku, Sara (2018): Added value or no value? Experiences of adult educators with a migration biography in a professional context with a special focus on multilingualism.
Schweinzger, Nina Natalie (2018): Human capital knowledge. An analysis of lifelong learning in age-heterogeneous teams from the perspective of human resource managers.
Truhetz, Christina (2018): Success and failure of projects using the example of the social festival "Tu was, dann tut sich was" in the Lungau region.
Vollmann, Verena (2018): Educational and career counseling in adult education in the context of lifelong learning - using the example of the competence-oriented counseling approach of the Bildungsnetzwerk Steiermark.
Wabnig, Florian (2018): Digitalization and quality. The significance of the increasing digitalization of adult and continuing education for Ö-Cert.
Wonisch, Lisa Katharina (2018): Quality in educational and career guidance. An evaluation of educational guidance processes using the example of the Styrian Chamber of Labor with special consideration of quality in guidance.
Atzlinger, Nicole Anna (2017): On the trail of learning - using the example of Planai Hochwurzen Bahnen Gesellschaft.
Beter, Eva (2017): In-house training in the care sector. Motivation and implementation of in-house training measures using the example of the Geriatric Health Centers Graz.
Birnhuber, Elisa Kristina (2017): Lifelong health. On the positioning and scope for action of adult education.
Brodschneider, Karin (2017): "Learning on the job" - On acquiring skills in the workplace through informal learning processes.
Gruber, Lieselotte (2017): The image of fathers through the ages. A program analysis of parental education offers for men at EKiZ Graz.
Hierzer, Daniela (2017): The Role of Second Language Proficiency in the Migration Process.
Jertschin, Christina (2017): Muslim women in further education. A disadvantaged target group?
Klement, Carina (2017): Community Education in international comparison and its implementation at regional level, illustrated using the example of Bildungshaus Schloss Retzhof.
Knaus-Maurer, Anna (2017): Learning in and from volunteering. The "Voluntary Social Year" as a space for learning and experience.
Kolb, Kerstin (2017): Finding meaning outside of gainful employment. A look at alternative concepts and the role of adult education.
Kremser, Sandra (2017): Forms of governance in the international education regime. Forms of influence of international organizations on education in Austria and the learning subject.
Lechner, Lisa (2017): "Bulimia learning" through the introduction of the StEOP at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz? An investigation of factors that influence the educational and learning processes of pedagogy students in the StEOP.
Petz, Sara (2017): "Mein Leben in Österreich" - eine diskursanalytische Betrachtung von Integrationsverständnisse am Beispiel der Werte- und Orientierungskurse für Asylberechtigte und subsidiär Schutzberechtigte.
Pletz, Bettina (2017): Lifelong learning in a learning organization.
Reiter, Sabrina (2017): Didactic and organizational aspects of eLearning in university continuing education. An investigation into the implementation of digital learning using selected examples of good practice.
Scherngell, Marko (2017): Resistance makes sense!? Power and maturity in continuing education.
Singer, Eva (2017): Disserting at the Doctoral School of Education: Insights from doctoral students at the Doctoral School of Education Graz considering different professional contexts.
Sommerer, Thomas (2017): Digital learning: opportunities, trends and challenges. An analysis using the example of iMooX.
Schriebl, Daniela (2017): Unconditional basic income. Perspectives for (further) education.
Schweppe, Valeria (2017): Educational distance - distant education? A critical examination of the phenomenon of so-called educationally distant milieus abstaining from further education.
Thewanger, Stefanie (2017): Accessibility as a challenge for adult education. An analysis using the example of selected Styrian educational institutions.
Unterberger, Christoph (2017): Gambling addiction, prevention and migration. An investigation into gambling addiction prevention for migrants.
Weber, Eva-Maria (2017): NEET: Consequences of a lack of "training maturity" on the labor market.
Bachinger, Ingrid (2016): Development of health education - program analysis of a Styrian adult education institution.
Gebhardt, Johanna (2016): Women at the adult education center "Volksheim Ottakring" from its foundation in 1901 until the end of the First World War.
Hochfellner, Sandra (2016): Continuing education in social psychiatry. Changes due to the transformation of professional requirements.
Kelz, Petra (2016): Conflict management in educational organizations. An empirical analysis at the Karl-Franzens-University Graz.
Klaunzer, Stefanie (2016): Health education in adult educational institutions in Styria.
Kraus, Katrin (2016): The ambivalence of lifelong learning. The positioning of people between freedom and compulsion, adaptation and individuality.
Paar, Lucia (2016): Competence orientation in personnel development. A project by Caritas Styria.
Riedl, Anita (2016): Social coaching - development and testing of a new competence profile in the school system.
Schwaiger, Jennifer (2016): The re-entry of transit workers of the 50plus generation into the primary labor market. The StWUK from the user's perspective - individual case.